Friday, February 27, 2009

Landfalls, Ports of Call (book 3)

This book sets up two of the major themes of the novel: journey to found a new empire and death to rebirth. It is hard to tell from the way that Aeneas tells his story that a lot of time has passed from the time when Troy fell until now, when they are in Carthage. We see, through the places that Aeneas and the Trojans travel, how Virgil is trying to connect the Aeneid with the Odyssey. We also find out all of the suffering that the Trojans have to go through just to get to this point where they are in a friendly city. Even though Virgil describes all of the suffering that the Trojans go through, his tone tells us that it is necessary for the Trojans to not be happy anywhere else than Italy. If they had good luck in other places, Aeneas wouldn't have wanted to keep going so he could found Rome for his family to rule for centuries.

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