Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lit Elements

Understatement- saying less than one means.
Example: pile a lot of food on your plate and say "this looks like a nice snack"

Allusion- a reference to something in history or previous literature.
Example: the Waste Land-Burial of the Dead= allusion to the Book of Common Prayer & the burial rights of the Anglican Church

Tone-the writer/speaker's attitude toward the subject, reader, or him/herself.
Example: "For a Lamb" (line 1) putrid lamb- lambs are usually thought of as innocent, this doesn't make it seem like it.

Alliteration- repetition of initial consonant sounds
Example: tried and true/ rhyme or reason

Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds
Example: mad as a hatter/ free and easy

Consonance- repetition of final consonant sounds
Example: odds and ends/ short and sweet

Internal Rhyme- one or more rhyming words are within the line
Example: there's strange things done in the midnight sun

Slant Rhyme- rhyme that's not perfect (usually in vowel sounds)
Example: body/bloody : horse/hearse

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